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Building stronger and healthier Mothers in community

Sharmila B.K is a 22 years old female from Ward 5, lungra, Chaurpati Rural Municipality, Achham. She was pregnant and was not able to manage a time to visit the hospital for counselling and care. Because of this, she did not have prenatal care and she was worried that she would not get proper care. Community health care workers counselling and referral to the hospital changed her life.

She felt very comfortable to communicate with CHWs and share her problems during CHWs household visits. She learned more about childbirth preparedness, importance of hospital delivery, breast feeding, family planning, personnel hygiene, nutrition and immunization through CHWs counselling's. She also received services like USG and blood tests done during group ANC care provided by community health nurse and CHWs.

"I am very happy with the services CHW provides and have become stronger, healthier and confident." – Sharmila B.K

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