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Built on the Public Private Partnership model, Nyaya Health Nepal has been implementing its integrated health care program in partnership with Government of Sudoor Pashchim Nepal. Nyaya Health Nepal is grateful to its philanthropic partners from all around world for their support in a mission of Nyaya Health Nepal to provide quality health care to all, particularly in underserved communities. Their assistance with funding, technical support and being an ally in improving healthcare in Nepal has been essential part of the Nyaya Health Nepal’s growth. Up until 2024, Nyaya Health Nepal has provided services for 1, 317, 225 health facility visits and performed 1,121,984 home visits in the communities. Below are some impacts that Nyaya Health Nepal has been able to achieve through collaboration with Government of Sudoor Paschim, Nepal and with support from the donors and contributors from around the world:

Impact Data
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IBR: In Sanfebagar, Achham, percent of birth in healthcare facility where healthcare professionals are present has increased from 76% to 98% in between 2014/2015 to 2019/2020 surpassing sustainable development goals 2030 (90%) and Nepal Health Sector Strategy Target, 2020(70%). This improvement can be attributed to monthly home visit of community health program and safe motherhood program in Bayalpata Hospital.

Sustainability & Government Adaptation

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As we learn more, our model continues to develop and we continue to innovate. Our budget for Fiscal Year 2019 (which covers the period between August 2019 and July 2020) saw a reduction of 20% over the previous year – without a need to reduce the number of patients we can treat or affecting the quality of our services.
We received financial support from Federal, Provincial and Municipal governments for our work in both Achham and Dolakha. While this funding only covered 7% of our budget in 2019, Municipalities are now able and willing to take on an increasing percentage of the costs of our work in their constituencies. We are fully confident that the success of these Municipalities will inspire other Municipalities to adapt our model. 


NHN is striving to support the insurance scheme put in place by the government in one of our districts. By March 2020 we had managed to increase to 10% the number of our patients who subscribed to the scheme. This means that the cost of all patients in the insurance scheme are covered by the insurance reimbursement so NHN can use donated funds to help patients not covered while continuing to encourage others to join the scheme. As the number of participants in the insurance scheme increases, we anticipate that our reliance on large scale funding will reduce. We see the insurance scheme as one of the key elements to support the financial sustainability of our healthcare delivery in the coming years.


We are proud that one of the 7 Provincial Governments has asked us to scale the Electronic Health Record (EHR) platform to all the hospitals in the Province. Additionally, many government hospitals are approaching us to implement the EHR in their facilities. 


We believe we are on the right path to achieving our mission of healthcare for all.

Impact Videos

In addition to the impact we have in the hospitals we manage and through our Community Health Workers, NHN has made significant contributions to the national health policy of Nepal. Furthermore, NHN has been and will remain a strong advocate for improving healthcare throughout the country. Some of our achievements to date have been:


  • Significantly contributing to developing the Public Private partnership (PPP) Guidelines of the Ministry of Health and Population (MOHP) 

  • Advocated for and provided input in the formation of the National Health Insurance Act and Regulation 

  • Advocated for and contributed to the development of Performance Based Incentive Procedure of the MOHP 

  • Developed a template and signed Performance Based Grant Agreement with MOHP - the template was also used for similar arrangement with other hospitals.

    Please click here for the details Impact Report

Sustainability & Government Adaptation

© 2024, Nyaya Health Nepal.

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