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"It was tough but I won COVID-19 with help of my team at Bayalpata"

27-year-old Chhatra Saud, senior health assistant, Bayalpata Hospital was tested COVID positive. He was treating COVID patients as a frontline health worker since the spread of COVID second wave in Achham. After testing positive, he was kept in the isolation ward for two weeks under the doctor's observation.

Chhatra, "I was a staff with COVID positive in a ward with other patients testing positive. I was afraid of seeing the pain and death of the patients. After testing positive I felt how other positive peoples were feeling. My colleagues supported me a lot and I would like to thank all team of Bayalpata Hospital very much for all the support I got from them together with other patients. Shortage of oxygen supply scared me a lot while I was in a ward. ‘I can’t say in words how it felt to have all of the staff there showing their support and love to me. These people all saved my life. I am here now only because of them. I’m very proud to serve the community as a frontline health care professional of Bayalpata Hospital."


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